Emotional Skills and competencies
Three days International Certification Program
This course enables you to be aware, recognise and manage your own emotions, to recognise emotions in others and use the best strategies to manage emotional situations with others and build good relationships.
This is a course for everyone who values emotional intelligence, values their emotions and wants to bring more awareness to their own emotions and improve their relationships with others.
It is very useful in managing, negotiation, relationships, training, coaching and consulting.
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By taking this course you will be able to:
- Understand how emotions work – where they come from and how they manifest.
- Recognise and deal with your own ‘hot triggers’.
- Be more aware of your own emotions and have better strategies to deal with them.
- Be aware when you are in the grip of an emotion
- Develop the capability to monitor yourself emotionally
- Increase your observation skills in all five channels – what to look for and how to look for it.
- Increase your listening skills in all five channels – what to listen for and how to listen for it.
- Be able to recognise micro expressions of emotion in others.
- Recognise emotions accurately in others to understand them and build good relationships.
- Recognise emotions in others to aid deeper understanding
- Use this information to work with others constructively.
This course has been approved through the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the UK for Continuing Professional Development for Lawyers/Solicitors and others in the legal profession
Course structure
Andrea Lages
Andrea Lages is an executive coach, author, consultant, and internationally respected coaching trainer.
She has trained coaches from more than 30 countries; she participated as a trainer and co-creator in a Post Graduate course in Executive Coaching for Derby University in England for Company Presidents and CEOs.
She is co-founder of the International Coaching Community – ICC (2001) and an ICC Master Trainer, co-founder and CEO of Lambent do Brasil.
Andrea designs and runs management development, training, coaching, customer service training, team building, applying Coaching and Systemic Thinking in practical ways within organizations.
Andrea is co-author of ‘Coaching with NLP – How to become a Master Coach’ and
‘How Coaching Work’s’ published in the UK by AC Black. This book was recommended for the Financial Times “Best Business Book of 2007″ Award.
E mail: andrea@lambent.com
Cliff Lansley
B.Ed (Hons), MABPsych, MIOD, Cert.Ed.
Cliff is the Managing Director of ‘Emotional Intelligence Academy Ltd’ (EIA). EIA (www.emotionintell.co.uk) specialises is using reliable science in developing and delivering programmes in emotional awareness and deception. EIA is the sole authorised provider of training approved by Dr Paul Ekman, through ‘Paul Ekman International plc’,(www.ekmaninternational.com) the wholly owned company established to spread this Ekman Approved, science-based training,
Cliff qualified as an educational psychologist at Manchester University and has over 25 years experience working at senior levels in public and private sector organisations facilitating leadership, communications and coaching programmes through his other company, Development Peocesses Group plc (www.dpgplc.co.uk) . His mission over the last eight years has been to harden the ‘soft-skill’ of emotional awareness and management (self and others) so that it is embraced by public/private employers and schools.
Part of this revolutionary work aims to demonstrate how relevant research can be used to reliably train professionals from all sectors to read the true emotions of others, real-time, without technology, using the five communication channels of face, body, voice, verbal style and verbal content.
These professionals can then use this ability to work out what people are really thinking and feeling – also helping those in the legal and security sectors to distinguish between those who are being truthful and those who are not about their identity, recent episodes and intentions in high-stake contexts. Once the accuracy levels consistently exceed 90% Cliff is confident that the legal/security sectors adoption of the science will help commercial and public organisations to see the value too in understanding customers, clients, stakeholders and competitors. He has built a laboratory in Manchester, has developed an MSc in Forensic Emotion Awareness and is engaging PhD students within EIA to further the research into how best to develop reliable training courses and tools that can make learning effective and efficient.
He has been a Governor of his local primary school for 19 years and loves reading, travelling and skiing. He is married with three children.
Email: cliff@ekmaninternational.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=38858777&trk=tab_pro
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