Vagas limitadas! Acesse e inscreva-se:   A promoção completamente desenfreada do termo Coaching, ou da profissão de Coaching, com formações inverídicas, falsas promessas, ações de merchandising com fim puramente comercial, sem embasamento técnico e garantias de sucesso com cursos sem as devidas fundamentações, fizeram com que chegasse ao Senado uma sugestão de projeto, de.. read more →

O mais novo livro de Joseph O’Connor e Andrea Lages foi a escolha selecionada na seção “Livros que amamos” da Marshall Goldsmith em sua newsletter desta semana. Marshall Goldsmith é um educador e coach de negócios de renome mundial, e o principal especialista em seu campo. Sua capacidade singular de obter resultados para os principais.. read more →

Welcome back! September is here, the holidays are over (for most of us), and there is a chill in the air – Autumn has crept up, while we were not looking and its cold breath is already starting to make misty and frosty mornings in our local park. A big difference from Miami where we.. read more →

The United States Centre For Disease Control estimates that thirty four per cent of Americans are overweight. It also estimates that a further thirty four per cent are obese. So that means that around seventy per cent of the population is unhealthy, some very much so. The UK is not much better. The Overseas Development.. read more →

Oh Brazil! When you read this there will be a new World cup holder (Germany) and the memory of Brazil’s disastrous defeat by Germany in the World cup will have faded somewhat – it could be a painful memory or a happy memory depending on which team you support. Germany beat Argentina in the final… read more →

初心 I (Joseph) am in Tokyo at the moment, (so is Barack Obama, but there is no connection in our travel schedules). He is trying to stabilise the region, I am training an NLP course. I love to visit Japan and right now, the thirteen and a quarter million people who live in Tokyo are.. read more →

Mindfulness Coaching Premium webinars through the International Coaching Community After making the cover of Time Magazine at the beginning of the year, Mindfulness has become one of the main coaching topics of 2014. It is the basis of listening, the basis of coaching presence. It is paying attention to the process of thinking rather than the.. read more →

Practice building for executive coaches Premium Webinars through the International Coaching Community   Join Joseph O’Connor to build your executive coaching practice! This series of premium webinars is for coaches who want to build their practice as an executive coach. The marketing and the mindset for gaining executive clients is very different to other forms.. read more →

About this course Supervision is an essential part of any profession, it helps professionals grow and develop and be the best they can be. It helps the profession develop and be the best it can be. Supervision is the process where the coach with the help of the supervisor , who is not working directly.. read more →